by Abdoulaye NDIAYE | Dec 24, 2020 | Communication, Events
Dewenati Meilleurs Voeux Season’s Greeetings Boas Festas Felices Fiestas Buone Feste God Jul AMNGROUP Une Nouvelle Etoile dans le Ciel Africain ! AMNGROUP A New Star in the African Sky!
by Abdoulaye NDIAYE | Oct 3, 2020 | Communication, Events
AMNGROUP will moderate the Panel on future Aviation Mandates Key transformational programs are on their way modernizing aviation to the next frontier in terms of Communication, Navigation, Surveillance, Information Management Avionics, RPAS integration, Coordinated...
by Abdoulaye NDIAYE | Feb 25, 2020 | Events, Press Release
Dans la série de conférences sur les Dynamiques de Transformations Africaines je suis invité d’honneur du FORUM X-Afrique 2020 à l’Ecole Polytechnique de Paris. – à École polytechnique. Comment saisir le formidable levier économique durable que constitue...
by Abdoulaye NDIAYE | Jan 29, 2020 | Events, Press Release
The Group CEO was invited on January 29th 2020 at SCIENCES-PO Bordeaux as a panellist during the conference on the Impact of the African Diaspora on the development of the continent. The venue was organized by the CHAIRE DIASPORAS AFRICAINES and PERSPECTIVES AFRIQUE...
by Abdoulaye NDIAYE | Jul 8, 2017 | Events, Press Release
Journées Economiques et Consulaires Africaines, JECA-2017 GENTLEMEN AGREEMENT, ici avec le Président de la Région Centre Nord du Burkina Fasso concernant les questions de la maîtrise de l’eau, problématiques récurrentes en zone Sahélienne : – Augmentation des...
by Abdoulaye NDIAYE | Jul 6, 2017 | Events
Here with his Excellency the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Regional Integration of Ghana, during the African Economic and Consular Days (JECA) organised by the Mandela Institute. As the Administrator of the Institute, I would like in the name of the President and...
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